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Friday, July 30, 2010

3rd official blog

Contributions of early civilization of West Asia and the Middle East to the present day development and the role of early civilizations in west Asia and middle east to our present life .. The middle east or also called the southwest Asia and the west Asia was contributed a lot in our present day today. The HARD LABOR or FORCE LABOR affected our lives in the past .. Because many powerful Filipino in the past was doing this to the poor people .. And the worshiping the gods and goddesses affects our present lives today . Because many people in our country , the believe in gods and goddesses. and the worked of God that He commanded Moses . It also affects our lives today , because WE the Filipinos believe and worship God .. That's why the West Asia and the Middle East contributed us many things.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


It is said that when you are a strong man and you have a power to abuse or control the people don't do it because they don't even have a power . and it is also affect our lives now . because there are some people or political people abused the weak once because they have the power to control or abuse the weak person . and also that don't abuse person by the law .

the point is whenever it is the past or present don't abuse people or control them because you have the power and they are weak . because every man has a right for their own and their own lives.

Friday, July 9, 2010


=The population of Saudi Arabia is about 27 million or about 59.4 percent of the population . The growth rate is about 2.18%. Islam is the predominant religion and the Arabic is the language.
=The economy of Saudi Arabia is growing steadily. With this , the government is pursuing a policy that would make Saudi nationals the major workforce.
=The stereotype of Muslim women is uneducated , with no rights and no opportunities is really not at all true . Of course ,with all their rights , the women of Saudi Arabia are expected to be decent and modest and to be fully committed to the making of a happy home life.

=India is said to be the melting pot of various races and the Indian population is considered to be polygenetic .It is a country with largest and most diverse ,mixtures of races. The 5 major racial types include Australoid , Mongoloid , Europoid , Caucasian , and Negroid and they all find representation among the people of India.
=Although India has about 14 major languages and 844 dialects , about 45% of the population speak Hindi . It is also the national language.

=Japan is the tenth largest population in the world , with around 127 million . 75 percent of the population lives in urban areas that resulted to a very high population density.
=In 1935 , the average life expectancy in Japan is 47 years for men and 50 years for women . In 1994 , it is around 76.75 years for male and 82.98 for females . The average of death rate declined from 10.9 per 1000 in 1950 to 7.1 per 1000 in 1994 . The average birth rate in 1950 declined from 28.1 per 1000 people to about 10 per 1000 people in 1994. The fertility rate also declined from 3.65 in 1950 to 1.50 in 1994.
=With this aging of Japanese society continues to advance.